

  • Get Fitter
  • Get Leaner
  • Move Better
  • Full body
  • High Impact

Class is for intermediate level

45-60 minutes

550 (estimated)

ATTACK YOUR WORKOUT at a high-energy interval training class that will get heart, legs, arms and everything else pumping!

Les Mills BODYATTACK is a sports-inspired cardio workout for building both strength and stamina. It combines athletic aerobic movements with strength and stabilisation exercises to create a killer workout that gets results.

A Body attack class is a high energy hit of cardio set to music that will keep you moving for the full hour. You’ll improve muscle tone, build core strength, get fit and flexible, and leave the gym feeling invincible. Bodyattack also attacks fat, burning up to 700 calories per session.

Our range of classes will inspire you to explore new training styles and techniques, while keeping you motivated with other like-minded members. We have a wide choice of classes that are a great complement to any training programme.

See our class timetable for details. Here at Fitness First, we believe that exercising should be a fun, motivating and engaging experience that makes you keep coming back for more.

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